Speaking Opportunities

Sari Edber can be available for any kind of speaking event pertaining to bereavement care, traumatic grief, child death, or other aspects of healing.

She has been asked many times to help with professional training opportunities at various Los Angeles hospitals and organizations as a:

- conference presenter

- workshop leader

- panel speaker

- advisory council member

(including: Mattel Children's Hospital, UCLA, Cedars-Sinai, Providence Tarzana, Huntington, Northridge Family Residence Program, and 2020 Mom Project for maternal mental health).

These opportunities have ranged from formal conferences of 100+ attendees, to CEU workshops with power point presentations, to smaller team workshops. The audiences have included L&D staff, NICU staff, social workers, nursing students, pediatric staff, psychosocial teams, grief organizations, and bereaved families.

Not only does she share her own experience, but she also offers practical advice and leaves professionals with actual tools that they can use when caring for newly bereaved families.

Please contact Sari if you have an upcoming event or would like to schedule her to speak: sari.edber@missfoundation.org