
"I am constantly surprised by the longing for you that never quiets." - Tyler Knott Gregson

"There are still days where the pain outweighs the joy. And, I am okay with that. You see, she was once my joy, and my grief is because of my love for her. In denying my pain, I'd be denying my love." - Malory (butterfly footprints)

"Some torn places cannot be patched." - Rumi

In French, you don't really say "I miss you".

You say "tu me manques", which is closer to "you are missing from me".

I love that. "You are missing from me".

You are a part of me, you are essential to my being."

- unknown

"Like the gentle, unseen breeze, the presence of those loved and lost remains with us always."

- Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

“You left our world too soon, but what an imprint you have left on our lives.” - unknown

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart.”

- Helen Keller

“Your memory is forever in my mind, your footprints are forever upon my heart, and your soul forever within mine.” - unknown

“A life that touches the hearts of others, goes on forever." - unknown

"No light that was born in love, can ever be extinguished." - Darcie Sims

“Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure.” - unknown

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away.” - unknown

"If I am silent enough, I can hear your whisper. If I am lonely enough, I can feel your presence. When it is dark enough, I can see your light. When I am kind, I feel your love." - Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

"In the space, the pause, between this breath and the one that follows, you have made a home inside me."

- Tyler Knott Gregson

"Everything we see is but a shadow cast by that which we cannot see." - Martin Luther King Jr.

"The love of a parent is not contingent upon the amount of time we had with our child. Love simply cannot be measured in time." ~ Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

"You and I will be together until the universe dissolves." –Rumi

"In the brokenness, I am whole; In the darkness, I see light; In the suffering, there is hope; In the mourning, there is peace." - Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

"If ever there is a tomorrow when we are not together, there is something you must always remember. Remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. And the most important thing is, even when we are apart, I will always be with you."

- The Tao of Winnie the Pooh

"To honor you, I get up everyday and take a breath. And start another day without you in it. Now I live for us both, so all I do, I do to honor you." - Connie F. Kiefer Byrd

Even when it’s darkest, I can still feel your love. For that, I am thankful.

- Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

"Life is about change. Sometimes it’s painful. Sometimes it’s beautiful. Most of the time, it’s both. "

- unknown

Your death shaped me, but, it is your life that shaped me for the better. It is for that simple reason that your death will never overshadow your life.

- Mary Thompson

"My hands will reach out to touch another because of you.

My feet will carry me through each day because of you.

My heart will grieve with strangers because of you.

My eyes will see a world with new meaning because of you.

I’d gladly give anything to have you back with me

But, until that time, I will be kinder, love deeper, and live wild and free because of you. "

- Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

The fear does not negate the courage.

The pain does not negate the beauty.

The loss does not negate the love.

- Nicole Nowocien

The light of the moon is not its own. It’s a reflection of the sun’s light; just as the light of your being is reflected through me.

- Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

I often wonder what I’d say to you if I could see you one more time. And I’ve come to the conclusion that there aren’t words in our language for that moment. I would simply hold you and cry; and I’d whisper that I love and miss you. I always have. I always will. Our hearts don’t really need any words at all.

- Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

A sunset only appears as a sunset from our particular perspective and location. In fact, though, the sun hasn't stopped exerting its healing impact on our world, it is just no longer visible to our limited vision. So it is with life and death: appearing to vanish or to cease, our loved ones continue their gravitational pull on our hearts, still shining life-giving love that makes our own flowering possible.

- Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

“There is a place within, even in deep sadness, where you are totally whole and complete.”

- Rumi

“A moment in our arms, forever in our hearts” - unknown

"What's strange, this pain, I love it. I LOVE it. And, I embrace it. I'm afraid if I let it go, I'm gonna lose the last little piece of him I still have. It's so funny, this thing no one tells you about -- about the relationship that begins with them after they die. If I can... quiet my head down enough, I can feel him." - Maggie Royal, "Return to Zero"

"There are just no words in any language that can express the depth of this loss."

- Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

"You are the author of your own grief. You get to decide how it gets written." - Carly Dudley

"Grief is like the ocean;

it comes in waves,

ebbing and flowing.

Sometimes the water is calm;

and, sometimes it is overwhelming.

All we can do is learn how to swim."

- Vicki Harrison

"You don't even realize you're living in a before until you wake up one day and find yourself in an after."

- Robin Wasserman

"We stand with one foot in the life we had and one foot in the life we have. With an aching heart often stuck in what could have, should have been."

- Angela Miller

"Grief changes us. The pain sculpts us into someone who understands more deeply, hurts more often, appreciates more quickly, cries more easily, hopes more desperately, and loves more openly." - unknown

"I still miss you, as the days and years pass.

I still miss you, as the pain of grief softens.

I still miss you, as new memories are made.

I still miss you, as I smile and laugh.

I still miss you, today and everyday.

I still miss you."

- Tanya Lord

"It's amazing how a broken heart can still be filled with so much love." - All that love can do

"A mother is not defined by the number of children you can see, but by the love she holds in her heart.

- Franchesca Cox

"Motherhood is a state of the mind and the heart, a sacred space that is yours no matter the distance between you and your child. Not even death can take it away." - Dr. Joanne Cacciatore

"The day you died, the musical score of my life was forever changed. A sad undertone was added. Some days it is very loud. Some days it is very soft. But, it's always there." - Mardi Slagle Peaster

"Memory is a way

of holding on to

the things you love,

the things you are,

the things you never want to lose."

- Kevin Arnold

"The healing from the pain, is in the pain." - Rumi

"Tears are the words your heart can't say." - unknown

“Everything you see has its roots in the unseen.” ― Rumi